Ultrasuede® is a trademark for the branded fabric made in Japan by Toray Industries. Used in a wide array of applications - most notably fashion, furnishings and transportation sectors - Ultrasuede® can be utilized for virtually any application where luxury, performance and ease of care is required.
Brief History
Ultrasuede® was born with a revolutionary discovery ... and a remarkable manufacturing innovation.
In 1970, after years of experimentation, Toray Industries scientist Dr. Miyoshi Okamoto succeeded in creating the world’s first ultra-microfiber. A few months later, his colleague Dr. Toyohiko Hikota perfected a new process capable of transforming Dr. Okamoto’s invention into an amazing new fabric, a non-woven material that combined luxury with unprecedented performance.
This fabric, which was later trademarked as Ultrasuede®, combines the rich aesthetics of a suede surface with benefits no animal product could ever offer. Ultrasuede® is soft, supple and sensuous to the touch. Yet it’s also resistant to stains and discoloration. It’s even machine-washable or dry-cleanable.
From fashion to furnishings, aircraft cabins to auto interiors, casual footwear to industrial hardware, the most demanding designers insist on Ultrasuede® for their most challenging and creative applications.
That's because no other fabric offers the unparalleled combination of luxury, appeal, performance and ease of care of Ultrasuede®. Ultrasuede® comes in a range of weights, thicknesses and finishes to meet the unique demands of literally hundreds of products.
Fashion: Apparel, Footwear, Accessories and Orthotics
Interiors: Residential, Contract, Wallcovering, Home Accessories and Display
Transportation: RV, Marine and Aviation
Industrial: Electronics and Custom-Molded Solution
Click here to view Ultrasuede® styles and colors: http://www.ultrasuede.com/products/swatches/index.html
Contact Information
Robert Steir, Sales & Marketing Manager - Fashion
Toray Ultrasuede (America), Inc.
205 Lexington Avenue Suite 1600
New York, New York 10016
(212) 576 3385 - phone
(212) 576 3395- fax
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