Name:Robert Gordon, Director of Sales & Marketing
Company:National Spinning Co
Company Website:www.natspin.com
Since 1921 National Spinning has been synonymous with quality yarn. This traditional continues today as our US-based owner-associates develop, produce, and market yarn to a diverse range of end-use customers.
We spin on long staple (worsted), ring spinning, and open end sytems. Our full-service dye plant processes both spun and filament yarns. Yarns for hosiery, sweaters, circular knits, wovens, narrow wovens, tufting, chenilling, cordage, high pile, and other end-uses are produced. Fibers processed include polyester (spun and filament), acrylic, wool, rayon, Tencel, microdeniers, moisture-management fibers, bamboo, PLA, cotton, and technical fibers (including modacrylic, Basofil, PBA, FR poly, FR rayon).
We sell into a diverse variety of markets. These include hosiery, apparel, home furnishings, uniforms (career, school, and government), industrial products, contract markets, transportation fabrics, and consumer crafting products.
Brands offered include in-house brands UltraSpun, Vybran, Vybralite, Vybran LP (lowpill), Twinspun. Supplier brands offered include Thermolite, Coolmax, Hydrotek, NatureSpun, and more.
Our modern dyehouse can dye virtually any kind of yarn. Our spinning plants process a multitude of man-made and natural fibers.
We have recently received MBDC certification for polyester yarn dyeing.
Lastly, and of utmost mportance to what we do, we are an employee-owned corporation. Every associate of the company has a stake in our future and thus makes our success his or her business.
Please contact us to learn more about National Spinning.
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