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Customs and Trade Services, Inc

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on April 17, 2008 at 2:44:17 pm
Customs and Trade Services, Inc. (CTS) is a licensed Customs Broker and Freight Forwarder. Our expertise covers the full spectrum of transportation and logistics services by sea, air, rail and by truck to any destination in the world. As part of our commitment to customer satisfaction, we offer personalized services to accommodate the special needs of our clients.
Customs and Trade Services, Inc. has been in business since 1989 and employs over 100 people. We currently have seven licensed Customs Brokers on staff. We have an import team that specializes in the preparation of 9802(formerly known as 807), CAFTA and ATPDEA import entries for U.S. Customs. The export department brings many years of combined experience in the trade and is responsible for the preparation of documents and the forwarding of outbound shipments. We also handle the movement of proprietary equipment for off-shore assembly factories, as well as the transportation of raw materials, findings, trimmings and finished textile products. 
Within our sixty one thousand square foot facility, we provide all warehouse services, including consolidation of cargo for outbound shipments, and the distribution of inbound merchandise. Areas of our facility are designated as a Container Freight Station. CTS routinely provides, pick and pack, ticketing, segregation, and direct distribution services for many of its clients. In order to provide efficient and secure services, warehouse and courier personnel are employed by CTS.
Upon your request, we can conduct a line review of your products and provide you with non-binding tariff classification advice. In addition, we can assist you with the preparation and filing of binding ruling requests for classification and/or other Customs issues.
CTS is prepared to evaluate your transportation needs. We will work with your company to ensure the best domestic and international transportation plan. We recognize that the development and implementation of a loss prevention program and the proper handling of hazardous materials are key factors in the operation of your business.
We provide educational seminars for general awareness in the areas of importing into the U.S., exporting, preparation of documents, 9802 (807), and CAFTA entries.
CTS is a member of a worldwide organization of independently owned Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders, who work together to provide global services. One of the unique advantages about this group is that each company has an owner on the premises or in close contact. We currently provide weekly ocean consolidations from the far-east.
CTS is affiliated with the following organizations; The American Apparel Producers Network, The American Israel Chamber of Commerce, The Florida Chamber of Commerce, Florida Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Association, The Florida Foreign Trade Association, The National Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Association, SEAMS and The World Trade Center, Miami, Florida.
CTS believes that its customers, as importers and exporters, need to be clearly and well informed of their obligations for compliance to the U.S. Customs Service and all other regulatory government agencies, so they comply with the law. Our daily operations run under these guidelines set forth by the Shared Responsibility and Reasonable Care concepts of the Customs Modernization Act, which we accomplish by communications, educating, and keeping our customers informed. Our level of knowledge and expertise allow us to do that.
CTS is a certified and validated member of The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT). We feel that our membership in this program is very important to ensure our contribution to a safe supply chain.
In February 2003, Customs and Trade Services, Inc. opened an office in Gulfport, Mississippi. Our office is staffed by a licensed Customs Broker and can accommodate all of your Freight Forwarding and Customhouse Brokerage requirements.
Please contact me if you have any questions and thank you for considering the services of Customs and Trade Services, Inc.
Roger Kunstman
Customs and Trade Services, Inc.
10801 N.W. 97th Street, Suite 1
Miami, Florida  33178
Telephone: (305) 477-7088
Fax: (305) 477-7096
E-mail: rogerk@customsandtrade.com

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